Euro Pallet Size Breakdown: Dimensions and Compatibility

Euro Pallet Size
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Euro pallets are also known as European pallets and they play a very crucial role in the warehouses across Europe and other countries. These pallets are manufactured with standard size, consistent layout, and design facilitating efficient transportation and storage, and goods handling.

It is very important for businesses to understand the compatibility and dimensions of Euro pallets so that they can easily carry out their warehouse operations. Some of the important aspects that are related to Euro pallet size are discussed in this guide below, so let’s explore.

What is a Euro Pallet?

The Euro pallets originated in the 1960s when European railways started to search for standardized pallets for transportation across borders in a smooth way. The EPAL which is the European Pallet Association came into being in 1991 and was responsible for ensuring that the quality of the Euro pallets is maintained and also ensured that the standards of the Euro pallets are implemented.  

Euro Pallet

Euro pallets are used widely across various industries and due to their durability and compatibility they are used in transportation as well as storage systems. Some of the common industries relying on the Euro pallets are discussed below:

  • Logistics and warehouses: Euro pallets offer effective storage for the goods transportation for the warehouse and distribution centers.
  • Retail Industry: Euro pallets are used for transporting merchandise and displaying it in retail setups to facilitate the movement of products from warehouses to the shelves of stores.
  • Food Industry: Euro pallets are used in the food industry for the safe transportation of food products.
  • Pharmaceutical Industry: These pallets support transporting sensitive medicines and other pharmaceutical products in the pharmaceutical industry to maintain compliance with industry regulations.

Euro Pallet Dimensions

The criteria offered by EPAL for the Euro pallets are given below which comprise Euro pallet dimensions and other details:

  • The dimensions of the standard Euro pallets measure 1200 mm x 800 mm and Euro pallet size in inches is 47.2 inches x 31.5 inches. 
  • The material used for manufacturing Euro pallets is wood which is of high quality although some variants of metal and plastic do exist.
  • The load capacity of Euro pallets is 1500 kg when the load is static and 1000 kg when it is dynamic.
pallet storage racking

Euro pallets are offered in different variations to meet the requirements of storage and some of these variations are given below.

  • EUR 1: The EUR 1 comprises dimensions 1200 mm x 800 mm and it is the most common size. It is used in warehousing, logistics, and manufacturing industries. It is also suitable for fitting in storage systems and transport vehicles associated with Europe.
  • EUR 2: The dimensions of EUR 2 pallets are 1200 mm x 1000 mm.  It is a large pallet that is used in applications like the automobile industry and heavy machinery.
  • EUR 3: The EUR 3 dimensions are 1000 mm x 1200 mm and they have the same surface area as EUR 2 but it is used in industries that need a compact design, a load-bearing capacity is high and it is commonly used in North American pallet racking systems.
  • EUR 6: EUR 6 comprises dimensions of 800 mm x 600 mm and it is suitable for smaller loads, is useful in various retail environments and can be used for transporting goods in small trucks. It is very popular in the food industry and can handle smaller and high-value items.

Euro Pallet Size and Racking Compatibility

The Euro pallet size and racking compatibility a very important aspect and consider and this section below highlights these two aspects:

How Euro Pallet Size Affects Pallet Racking?

The size of Euro pallets impacts the functionality and design of the pallet racking systems because the pallets are used along with the racking systems. The standard Euro pallet size is 1200 mm x 800 mm and it is used across Europe in various applications. 

Hence the racking systems are also designed to accommodate this size in order to ensure maximum efficiency. Other variants of the Euro pallets are also considered when the racking systems are designed so that they can also be catered. Some of the ways Euro pallet size affects the racking systems comprise the following:

  • Load distribution is very important so that stability can be attained and overloading can be eliminated. The dimensions and weight distribution of the Euro pallets would affect the loads that are supported on the racking system.
  • The size of the Euro pallets would determine the aisle width so that handling equipment may reach in a safe and efficient way.
  • Storage density impacted the racking system because the small pallets may not have sufficient load capacity which the larger ones have.
pallet racking

There are various features of Euro pallet racking systems and some of these are as follows:

  • They offer adjustable beam labels which allows flexibility in storing different sizes of pallets in the vertical space.
  • The Euro pallet racks also support the weight of Euro pallets which are loaded fully and ensure that they remain stable and safe.
  • The Euro pallet racking systems help to reconfigure and expand the design when the storage needs change.
  • These are made with high-quality steel offering long-lasting performance.

Optimizing Racking for Euro Pallets

When the racking systems are designed for Euro pallets, some of the considerations in place are as follows:

  • Pallets should be organized in the correct way so that the space can be utilized at its maximum and also facilitate easy access.
  • The aisle design should accommodate the use of forklifts and other accessing equipment.
  • Adjustable beam levels can be used for utilizing the vertical height of the warehouse and maximize the storage capacity.
  • The safety features like guardrails, load capacity indicators, and pallet stops should be incorporated to avoid accidents.

Sometimes for optimizing space with Euro pallet racking are given below:

  • The use of double deep racking helps store two pallets which are deep and they help increase the storage density and maintain accessibility.
  • Opting for narrow aisle racking also allows for reducing the whistle width and maximizing storage.
  • Drive-in racking systems are also suitable for storing homogeneous products so that forklifts can retrieve the pallets when needed.
  • The push-back racking offers a system of nested carts over which the pallets are stored with a slight incline and it allows pallets to be rolled forward for easy retrieval.
warehouse pallet racking

Euro Pallet Size Comparisons

The Euro pallet size can compared to the pallet sizes in other countries and some of these comparisons are given below:

Euro Pallet vs. US Pallet Size

The Euro pallet has a size of 1200 mm x 800 mm which is smaller compared to the US pallet size which is 1200 mm x 1000 mm. The difference in this size would impact the racking system. The Euro pallets can fit better in the narrow racks which are prevalent in Europe. The US pallets need wider racks. 

Euro Pallet vs. Standard Pallet

Euro pallets are designed for European logistics catering specifically to the region and comprise dimensions 1200 mm x 800 mm. However, the standard pallets are available to be used in various sizes across the globe and comprise dimensions between 1200 mm x 1000 mm. Hence, it is evident that European pallets can easily fit in European racking systems while standard pallets may need flexible racking solutions.

Euro Pallet vs. UK Pallet Size

The Euro pallet is narrower than the UK pallet size, the UK pallet size is 1200 x 1000 mm and the Euro pallet size is 1200 mm x 800 mm and both have different racking requirements. The Euro pallets are suitable for racking systems that have narrow width and UK pallets may need wider racking systems.

Palletized storage

Cost and Availability of Euro Pallets

Investing in European pallets requires considering the cost and availability of the Euro pallets and these are given below:

Euro Pallet Price Overview

The Euro pallet price can be impacted by various factors which comprise the type of material chosen, the quality and sturdiness of the pallet, and whether the pallet chosen is new or used. Moreover, the price also has an impact on the market demand, raw material availability, and compliance with the EPAL standards. 

However, when comparing the cost of Euro pallets to the US pallets you can see that the Euro pallets are more expensive. It is because they have standard construction and they also comply with the EPAL quality control. Whereas, when you analyze the cost-effectiveness of these pallets in the longer run you will find that the Euro pallets are more cost-effective than the UK pallets. 

Sourcing and Availability

Euro pallets are available for purchase through various sources which comprise pallet manufacturers and specialized suppliers. When it comes to choosing the racking systems for these pallets you can get in touch with Lracking. 

Businesses must ensure that some important conditions are met when choosing between the Euro pallets and other types of pallets and the capability of these pallets with the racking systems so that the efficiency of the supply chain is not hindered.

euro pallet racking

Practical Tips for Using Euro Pallets in Warehousing

When implementing the use of Euro pallets in the warehouses some of the important tips to follow are given below:

Ensuring Compatibility with Racking Systems

When you are choosing the racking systems you must ensure that the Euro pallets are compatible with the racking dimensions. The load capacity and adjustability of the racking systems should also be considered. The racking system must also have safety features so that any accidents can be prevented.

Racking systems should be inspected timely for any signs of damage and these may include adding any loose bolts, bent beams, or other issues. The weight limits should be exceeded and the load should be maintained with stability.

Adapting to Different Pallet Sizes

If you are planning to accommodate various sizes of pallets then you should have adjustable racking systems so that you can adjust all types of pallet sizes in the racking system. These racking systems may consist of removable or moveable drivers and you can easily adjust them based on your requirements. 

Pallet conveyor


The selection of Euro pallet systems can always help you design a very convenience-oriented warehouse, however, the most important consideration here is choosing compatible racking systems. So, if you are looking forward to having the racking systems designed for your pallet racks you can get in touch with Lracking. We will provide you with customized and adjustable pallet racking systems.

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